
Friday, 19 February 2021

WHO Wuhan coronavirus mission over but much more work still to do

If mutation can happen in the present manner, why could not that happen before? That is, virus zero was an innocent virus, mutated and replicated, and turned into merciless assasins. They then infected the bats, cats, etc and finally the humans.

If the current mutated strains are not human-made, why can't people with logical mind around the world rethink that the virus was not made in Wuhan lab, or originated from Wuhan, but a process of evolution via mutation?

Thank you for reading.

Monday, 8 February 2021

China can easily replace Australian imports

I am not a political expert, but I knew from the start when Morrison bet the wrong horse in supporting Donald Trump to condemn China in every foreseeable way, causing irreparable damage to Australia-China relationship. Morrison single handedly is causing long-term suffering to the lives and livelihood of all Australians.

I have written before that China can easily find alternative sources of supply for coal. The current high prices for iron ore and wheat are going to be short-live until such time steady shipment of these commodities from other countries can be established. It is unlikely that Australia can find new markets to replace China's.

I have never come across any business person who goes all the way to kill off its major trading partner; worse still the goose that lays the golden eggs that provides Australia of very healthy trade surpluses year after year.

The linked article is basically echoing what I been writing. Unless Morrison can perform miracles, or his Almighty can give him a hand, he has a Buckley's chance to get Australia out the mess.

Thank you for reading.