I argued years ago in regards to not supporting two senators breastfed their babies in the parliamentry chamber in 2017 and 2018 respectively. My against such actions had nothing to do with the rights of a parent feeding a hungry baby; it is a matter whether it is right or appropriate to mix childcaring and working simultaneously at workplace.
My argument is simple and straight forward. How will the passengers of a plane respond if a pilot of any gender is to feed his/her baby or sit on the laps at the cockpit while the plane is in flight? What if a teacher feeds his/her baby while teaching in class or a waiting staff at a restaurant doing the same while serving the customers? Is it OK for a construction worker having a baby at the driver seat while he/she is operating a crane?
Although breastfeeding ban is lifted in the federal parliament, that does not mean such law is logical. In the name of political correctness, pussy cat / chicken lawmakers kowtow to such nonsense without giving any thought that this set a bad precedence and the same will be demanded by other industries and workplaces.
There must be a demarcation between a place for childcare and a workplace for a parent. An employee is paid to work with full commitment, not to be distracted by other non-related activities.
Thank you for reading.