
Tuesday, 31 March 2020

Pauline Hanson demands politicians earning over $200,000 a year take a pay cut and lose their perks to help pay for the coronavirus crisis

Posted to Facebook on 31/3/2020 11:28 AM
Commenting on "Pauline Hanson demands politicians earning over $200,000 a year take a pay cut and lose their perks to help pay for the coronavirus crisis"

It is a shame that major newspapers did not report Pauline Hanson had demanded that politicians to take pay cut during the coronavirus crisis.

She may not be academically qualified like most MPs, and her speeches are not that polished, but she always speaks intensely and with conviction.

What she says most of the time may not be politically correct PC, but hiding behind PC makes one a hypocrite, and defeats the principle of free speech and expression.

I was not a fan of Pauline Hanson at the beginning, but she has “matured” politically, and she even served time in jail. She can speak more clearly now than PM Morrison, who keeps beating around the bush, delivering confusing messages and makes a mockery of himself.

For people who were still actively working full time or part time, and business operators, they are getting assistance from the government. Spare a thought for those self-funded retirees whose hard earned money in superannuation funds and term deposits have plummeted so much, and can no longer support until whatever they have budgeted for.

This Coronavirus pandemic creates not just financial depression, but also a bigger one known as mental depression.

If you want to read more about Coronavirus, join my group SFC Coronavirus COVID-19 News & Articles and check out what I have been blogging.

Stay Home, Stay Safe.

Thank you for reading.

Sunday, 29 March 2020

Medical professionals skipped quarantine and flew interstate

Posted to Facebook on 29/3/2020 1:50 AM
Posted to The Age (28/3/2010) at 29/3/2020
Commenting on "Medical professionals skipped quarantine and flew interstate"

This is what really sickens me - the police, the MPs, Medical Officers, Premiers, and the Prime Minister are all talks, and either little or no action. They are just a bunch of indecisive procrastinators. I wonder how the authority is going to deal with these arrogant medical professionals.

As medical professionals returning from South America, they should know that they have high probability of being carriers of the virus and can infect many others in the community. In addition, they intentionally flouted the laws and left for interstate instead of quarantined in Sydney.

Such behaviour is inexcusable, and they should be punished severely including having their registrations suspended or cancelled.

Wake up softies, put your act together to show that people of Australia can trust you to protect tem!

Thank you for reading.

Saturday, 28 March 2020

A fractured nation faces its greatest foe

Posted to Facebook on 28/3/2020 4:29 PM
Commenting on "A fractured nation faces its greatest foe"

If you have been following my blogs in SFC Coronavirus COVID-19 News & Articles, you would have sensed my strong objection against how the Federal Government and the Chief Medical Officer handle the coronavirus pandemic.

I cannot excuse the Victoria Premier for his debacle in handling the Grand Prix and not punishing those wealthy upper crust arrogant virus spreaders roaming freely in the community to infect innocent people, especially in some “prestige” suburbs.

Our country definitely has literacy and numeracy problems, and it is demonstrated very clearly under the weak and indecisive bunch of twits.

Anyone watching Morrison reading out the prepared speech at press presentation can see that he does not have much clue in the actual content. There are words he did not understand. It was very much like Pauline Hanson asking the journalist “please explain” the word xenophobic.

The way he tried to elaborate on social distancing showed how out of touch he was with public expectation.

The sooner Australia went into isolation, banning and testing every single person arriving by air and sea, and less chances the people within Australia would be infected and less tests needed, thus reducing a lot in the monitoring and medical costs.

Why reinvent the wheels when there are successful models around the world prove that lockdown is workable, and is a guaranteed approach to enforce social distancing - a way to flatten the curve.

Early lockdown is the way to go, but Morrison missed the boat. If all parameters in the economic equation remain unchanged, the economic costs and the amount of pain people experienced will be the same.

Thank you for reading.

Thursday, 26 March 2020

Professor says immediate lockdown will stop the spread of virus

Posted to Facebook on 26/3/2020 3:12 PM
Posted to The Age (26/3/2020) on 26/3/2020
Commenting on "Professor says immediate lockdown will stop the spread of virus”

What are the CMO and the PM waiting for? Does the federal government want Australia go down the path like Italy, Spain and UK? Do we want the number of fatalities of younger age group to surface before a lockdown of non-essential services? Do we want to see young children become statistics of the deadly disease before closure of schools in other states?

Thank you for reading.