
Saturday, 28 March 2020

A fractured nation faces its greatest foe

Posted to Facebook on 28/3/2020 4:29 PM
Commenting on "A fractured nation faces its greatest foe"

If you have been following my blogs in SFC Coronavirus COVID-19 News & Articles, you would have sensed my strong objection against how the Federal Government and the Chief Medical Officer handle the coronavirus pandemic.

I cannot excuse the Victoria Premier for his debacle in handling the Grand Prix and not punishing those wealthy upper crust arrogant virus spreaders roaming freely in the community to infect innocent people, especially in some “prestige” suburbs.

Our country definitely has literacy and numeracy problems, and it is demonstrated very clearly under the weak and indecisive bunch of twits.

Anyone watching Morrison reading out the prepared speech at press presentation can see that he does not have much clue in the actual content. There are words he did not understand. It was very much like Pauline Hanson asking the journalist “please explain” the word xenophobic.

The way he tried to elaborate on social distancing showed how out of touch he was with public expectation.

The sooner Australia went into isolation, banning and testing every single person arriving by air and sea, and less chances the people within Australia would be infected and less tests needed, thus reducing a lot in the monitoring and medical costs.

Why reinvent the wheels when there are successful models around the world prove that lockdown is workable, and is a guaranteed approach to enforce social distancing - a way to flatten the curve.

Early lockdown is the way to go, but Morrison missed the boat. If all parameters in the economic equation remain unchanged, the economic costs and the amount of pain people experienced will be the same.

Thank you for reading.