
Friday, 5 June 2020

Scott Morrison PM of Australia

Posted to Facebook on 4/6/2020 1:43 AM
Commenting on "Scott Morrison PM of Australia"

Morrison has lost all my respect as the PM of Australia, and I hope he will not win another term in office.

He is getting as nutty as Trump. Not only he starts to behave like Trump, but also he is making decisions on the run, like on the latest grant scheme to keep the tradies‘ jobs afloat.

The renovation grant is a bit of a joke, favouring the upper class more than the middle income group. This sounds like a great incentive, but with a price tag $150k to $750k renovation, can average Australians afford? This will benefit those who buy and renovate for flipping.

The negative impact of this grant is pushing up house prices.

Morrison appears more like a state opposition party leader. Whatever the Victorian Premier does, he says otherwise. During the early onset of the Coronavirus pandemic, he encouraged Australians not to concern about the spread and go to attend footy game, and now he sees no problem for large crowd to attend Black Lives Matter rally.

Did Morrison advise Trump holding a Bible to have a photo session in front of a church, and Trump with his wife standing in front of the papal statue for no other reason except to have a snapshot?

Morrison is so happy to be invited by Trump to attend the G7 meeting, and obligingly stupid to be the mouth piece of Trump to do the dirty work condemning China for spreading the virus!

Thank you for reading!