Posted to Facebook on 17/5/202011:46 AM
Posted to The Age (15/5/2020) on 17/5/2020
Commenting on "Farmer turmoil as China‘s hunger for Australia wanes"
It only takes about half a century for China to rise from a poor developing country to what it is today - the second largest economy, a superpower with spaceship that reaches the dark side of the moon, high speed trains that connect major and smaller cities, largest port in the world, skyscrapers among the tallest in the world, etc.
How can that happen to China but not Australia? Australia is still talking additional runways in major airports, train track not well maintained to handle trains run at higher speed, let alone dreaming of high speed train, water supply that continues to cause interstate conflict, etc.
China was backed to the corner, some cities were attacked and occupied by the various countries after the fall of the last empire. In order to survive China supplied cheap labour, not imported workers, to produce goods for complacent countries perceived to be a class above. Soon these countries enjoyed cheap products, including high-tech devices and fashion, but lost the knack of hard work, and manufacturing skills. Compounding the problem is the squabble of political parties and divided national pride. Governments slow about the progress of the country and tend to forget the well-being of the people.
China had to start from ground up, determined and continues move forward.
Australians can be nationalistic, but it does not have the external pressure to make this a united nation. It is naive to make enemies instead of friends, because without trade with China, Australia cannot feed hungry stomachs. Cost of living will sky rocket if Australia relies on its labour force to do things at such relaxed pace. It is unimaginable that unions will rise again to rule the country.
Thank you for reading.
Posted to The Age (15/5/2020) on 17/5/2020
Commenting on "Farmer turmoil as China‘s hunger for Australia wanes"
How can that happen to China but not Australia? Australia is still talking additional runways in major airports, train track not well maintained to handle trains run at higher speed, let alone dreaming of high speed train, water supply that continues to cause interstate conflict, etc.
China was backed to the corner, some cities were attacked and occupied by the various countries after the fall of the last empire. In order to survive China supplied cheap labour, not imported workers, to produce goods for complacent countries perceived to be a class above. Soon these countries enjoyed cheap products, including high-tech devices and fashion, but lost the knack of hard work, and manufacturing skills. Compounding the problem is the squabble of political parties and divided national pride. Governments slow about the progress of the country and tend to forget the well-being of the people.
China had to start from ground up, determined and continues move forward.
Australians can be nationalistic, but it does not have the external pressure to make this a united nation. It is naive to make enemies instead of friends, because without trade with China, Australia cannot feed hungry stomachs. Cost of living will sky rocket if Australia relies on its labour force to do things at such relaxed pace. It is unimaginable that unions will rise again to rule the country.
Thank you for reading.